The classic in outdoor advertising is the ideal medium for rapidly establishing a high profile. The formats, too, cater to every requirement: from 8 sheet posters which are easy on your budget to high-impact 48 sheet posters. Posters are available to meet every creative challenge.
Outgoing from 1-sheet format (DIN A1) are all other formats developed up to 48-sheet poster.
The DIN A0 poster is also referred to as a 2/1 poster. It is mainly posted in public advertising spaces.
These public spaces take on a role similar to newspapers in disseminating information to the masses even in towns and small cities, making this form of advertising excellently suited for public announcements of regional events such as concerts and exhibitions.
Advertisements from local companies, new releases (e.g., CDs) and public political announcements also find their place here. The A0 poster is only used in mass ad campaigns. With rents ranging from €0.80–1.60 per space/day, it is an effective and low-cost medium for regional advertising.
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